Friday, January 4, 2008

The New and Improved Blog

Our previous blog died and so I was thinking of a way to continue blogging. For whatever reason the other blog failed, we are going to try this again. Here are a few changes that may enhance the blog realm.
1. World view Blogs: From time to time I will discuss a certain topic that has come to our attention in the public eye. This is an attempt to bring a biblical worldview to the world in which we live. I will discuss things like the election and the candidates, new technologies that are shaping our fast-pace society (i.e. iPod, facebook, etc), and cultural phenomenons (Harry Potter and the like).
2. Biblical Blogs: I will take a passage and/or specific text and begin to expound on some thoughts that I have gleaned from my studies. You might say this is sort of like a devotional one would read.
3. Updates. Our "other" blog was pretty good with this. There were times when I needed to send out a message about events, opportunities to make money, prayer requests, last minute cancellations, etc. This blog will serve that same purpose.
4. Misc. The last thing is that I really don't know where this blog will take us. So this "misc." will fill that void.

I hope that you find this to be informative, interesting, and encouraging.

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