Sunday, January 27, 2008

Music that speaks to the soul and the EAR!

Recently, a grassroots movement has taken place in reformed music. More and more churches have found great talent inside their congregations that give birth to new (from old... I'll explain) & fresh godly music. By searching the writings of the giants of the faith they have discovered that simple and profound statements can be used to worship our Lord. Most of these tunes are ripped from the pages of old hymn books. You may remember a blog a few days ago about young people searching for songs that have meaning, theology, and worth. I am one of those "young" people... although I am not so sure the youth of SMPCA would categorize me as "young."
This movement has really taken shape as more and more churches are following the pattern of these musicians. They have gone into prayer books (Valley of Vision), lost hymnbooks (The Gasby Project), and well known hymns (Beneath the Cross of Jesus) and added new tunes while maintaining the rich lyrics. In the past couple years, I have fell in love with this genre. And so I encourage you to dive right in and see the depths of godly worship that can be had by the believers of Christ.
I have put together some of the music that you may want to consider getting. Below are some links that you can go and listen. Hope you enjoy!

Valley of Vision: you may remember at each communion service we read from this book. (In Feb. they are selling each CD for $6!)

This is a free download of one song.

These are by far the best in my option. Their latest iGrace V "Wake Thy Slumbering Children" is their best one yet!

This is a church outside Birmingham, AL. They produce their own music from old hymnbooks they recover. I have a few of their CD's and recommend them highly.

There are plenty more out there that I have yet to discover, but this should get you started. Hope you find them as nourishing to the soul as I have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love this music...